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Interactive McCabe-Thiele diagram

This diagram makes easy to visualize the influence of several parameters in the design of a simple distillation column. The user can move with the aid of the mouse the green dots in the graph, what immediately translate to changes in the graphical calculation, like the number of equilibrium stages. These green dots are related to:

  • Feed composition, zF
  • Product compositions, xD and xB
  • Reflux ratio, R
  • Feed liquid fraction, q

Their numeric values that appear in the column of variables included in the figure are updated along with the graphical construction. Apart from the cited variables, distillate (D) and bottom (B) flowrates, for the feed F=100 are also shown, as well as the required total number of stages, N and optimal feed stage, nF.

This application was developed for the master's thesis of Daniel Blanco Medel using the JSXGraph library.