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Process Systems and Simulation Engineering

Models and simulation technology for the Chemical Process Industry

These pages show the work of professor Santos Galán-Casado, individually and in collaboration, as an engineer, as a researcher and as a teacher, developing and applying simulation technology in the chemical process industry, the technical field that we know as Process Systems Engineering.  

Interactive McCabe-Thiele diagram

This diagram makes easy to visualize the influence of several parameters in the design of a simple distillation column. The user can move with the aid of the mouse the green dots in the graph, what immediately translate to changes in the graphical calculation, like the number of equilibrium stages.

Lattice-Boltzmann distillation tray simulation videos

From the paper: N. Llorente-Remartínez and S. Galán, «CFD simulation of sieve tray hydraulics using the lattice Boltzmann method»


  • a-CIDiT kick-off meeting

    a-CIDiT kick-off meeting

  • InCO4In Final project meeting

    InCO4In Final project meeting